Rabu, 02 September 2009

Gombalan Buat Blog

Hi tempat curahan hati.. (GOMBAL)

gue udah pulang dari medan. lumayan lah enak bwt org yg sumpek sm jakarta yah medan enak. apa lg di perkebunannya, mantaaaaaaaapp!!

kangen deh sm blog. gue mau crita banyak tapi tapi tapiiiii.. crita apa gue ga tau. kayanya ga ada yg menarik dari gue. yah sekarang" ini sih gue lg ngrasa kangeeeeeeenn bgt. kangen sm oki, kangen sm apa ga tau, kangen sm si Ulet (itu yg paling parah) tp kangen gue bwt Ulet kayanya siasia aja. dia kan ga ngrasain apa yg gue rasa. poor me!!

tgl 7 bsk gue udh mulai kuliah. mudah"an lancar deh kuliah gue. punya tmn baru lingkungan baru pasti asik. tp kalo pacar baru, gue ga mau mikirin ah. biar Allah aja yg ngasih, gue pasrah..

sakit hati gue. ya Allah gue harus gmn?? ini parah banget. kenapa gue harus ngrasain ini lagi?!!
I was tormented by all this. what is reward for all? only regret that there is now. if right now I really miss him, it was just in vain. he didn't even know how I feel. I cannot do anything to upset even I cannot! if time could happen again, I want to hug him as close and as long as possible. nearby is a peace for me.
And one more thing. first with the sweetest memories I have during this life. thanks for all the memories you have given me. I'll keep it very well. and I hope you know that you will always be in my heart, saved well. I always love you whatever the reason and whatever has happened, I love you.. 210608

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